Say hello to a naturally friendly antiplaque + whitening paste that tastes awesome and works brilliantly. Hello helps to brush away plaque, show tartar who's boss, and naturally whiten with friendly minerals. It's thoughtfully formulated with epically refreshing farm grown peppermint, tea tree oil to tame bad breath, and moisturizing coconut oil.
Use: Helps to brush away plaque and control tartar.
Другие Ингредиенты
Sorbitol (humectant), purified water (hooray), hydrated silica (polishes and cleans teeth), vegetable glycerin (soothes and moisturizes), calcium carbonate (polishes and cleans teeth), xylitol (sweetener), erythritol (sweetener), xanthan gum (thickener), flavor (freshens breath), titanium dioxide (mineral), coconut oil (soothes and moisturizes), zinc citrate (control tartar), cocamidopropyl betaine (cleanser), sodium cocoyl glutamate (cleanser), potassium sorbate (maintain stability), stevia reabaudiana leaf extract (sweetener) and tea tree oil (cleans and freshens breath).
Brush teeth thoroughly, preferably after each meal or at least twice per day, or as directed by a dentist or physician. Smile often. Repeat.
Twist off cap to remove foil seal.
Do not use if safety seal is missing or broken.
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