Choline is a substance needed by the brain to produce acetylcholine, a major brain/motor neuron neurotransmitter that facilitates the transmission of impulses between neurons. A substantial portion of the population consumes inadequate amounts of choline however, and dietary intake of the nutrient becomes increasingly important for brain health as we age.
What is CDP-choline?
CDP-choline stands for cytidine-5’-diphosphate choline, also known as citicoline. This form of choline readily passes through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) directly into the brain tissue. CDP-choline encourages the synthesis of neurotransmitters, particularly acetylcholine, in the brain, which is believed to explain many of its beneficial effects.
The science of CDP-choline
CDP-choline is also a neuroprotectant and a promoter of neuroplasticity, with a track record of supporting healthy cognition, memory and overall function in numerous clinical trials.
In addition to its clinically studied brain power benefits in older adults, low doses of citicoline have been shown to support a healthy mood. CDP-choline also supports phosphatidylcholine production, an important phospholipid for nerve growth, function, and cellular membrane repair.
Растительная целлюлоза (капсула), микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, диоксид кремния, растительный стеарат.
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