Discussion: KAL® Magnesium Taurate+ combines the mineral Magnesium with a free-form amino acid, Taurine. Magnesium Taurate is intended to provide nutritive support for normal, healthy nerve and muscle function, and may help regulate the healthy flow of ions across cellular membranes to help provide membrane stability and protect against oxidative stress in the heart, blood vessels and tissues. Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, the coenzyme form of Vitamin B-6, may provide bioavailable nutritive support for healthy red blood cell synthesis and nerve tissue function.
Информация о добавках: Serving Size:�2 Tablets Servings Per Container:�90 Total Carbohydrate1 g<1%�Dietary Fiber1 g4%�Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 25 mg1,250%Magneisum (as Magnesium Taurate) 400 mg100% ActiSorb Base (Bioperine [Black Pepper Extract], Cayenne, Ginger Extract, Rosemary Extract Turmeric Extract) 10 mg * �Percent Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet.*Daily Value not established. Другие Ингредиенты
Cellulose, magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium and silica.
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