Cleaning your mouth and our environment at the same time
The idea is pretty simple...if you make a quality product, it will last longer and people won't need to throw it away. Our products are made to last which means they are being used longer and not filling up the landfills while still providing you with the excellence you have come to expect from RADIUS.
Clean jack-knife design to sleek, & compact travel while still enjoying the luxurious RADIUS brushing experience.
Reusable handle & replacement head for ultimate eco-conscious usability. Perfect for all travel needs!
"Slim Neck" for easy reach in tight spaces & soft massaging bristles to help invigorate gum tissue for reduced chances of bleeding/receding gums & enamel erosion.
Zero-petroleum wood-based plastic handle & vegetable-based bristles for 100% eco-friendly travel.
Free from all BPA, Phthalates & Latex.
Our products are made on our low-energy machines & we operate in a women-run, solar-powered facility in Pennsylvania. Our sustainable manufacturing process allows is to reduce the amount of waste we create. What little waste we do create is recycled and reused to make new products. Each product is inspected by hand and designed to last.
Не является лекарственным средством
Place small portion of toothpaste on bristles. Brush in circular motion away from gums. Replace head as needed. Contains one soft head. To exchange head, tug firmly on head & insert new Radius Replacement Head - Available in Supersoft, soft or medium.
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